New Introducing Stream.

We Bring Web3 to Life.

Secure Software Services for the Stellar Blockchain.

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What we do.

When you build with Cordillera, you get access to an ecosystem of amazing software.


Software Offerings

Instantaneously deploy liquidity provider rewards, token yield payouts, and get valuable analytics about your project.

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Development Services

We're reliable, affordable, and ambitious. We've been building beautiful things on Stellar for over 2 years, and we'd like the opportunity to build something for you.

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Get in Contact

We've worked with projects from across the Stellar space, and we're incredibly excited to start working with you.

We utilize Discord as a communication platform to connect with projects in a convenient and efficient manner.

By joining our server, you can easily have text, voice, and video conversations with our team to discuss your project requirements and receive a personalized solution.

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Build With Our Suite of Cloud-Native Apps

When we handle your infrastructure, everything just works.

Click the icon of each service to learn more.

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Our Stellar-native liquidity rewards protocol for incentivising AMM deposits.


Send token yields to holders, with powerful conditional logic.


Looking for something custom? Let's get in touch!

Trusted by our partners.

We're already processing payments for some of the most exciting names on Stellar.